All Greens
At All Greens We Strive to be The Center For Greening
Excellence in The Caribbean!
Here to Donate to Our Passion Projects? Click below.
About All Greens
Founded in 2015, All Greens originated as a Landscaping Business. We saw the need to evolve into a Greening Company in the Caribbean that focuses on young people, Agri-business and beautiful gardens. Driven by modern technology, we now offer Youth Training Programmes, Hydroponic Farming, and Lawn Maintenance!
Products Services & Programs
Hydroponic SMART Farm
Using Automated Hydroponics, We Grow Over 1500 Heads of Leafy Crops!
Order Your GreenBox Today!
Youth Training
The GreenSpaces Programme Delivers Youth Training Under Two Courses:
Lawn Maintenance
Our Lawn Maintenance Programme Targets Commercial Organizations In Need of Reliable Scheduled Maintenance of Their Grounds.
The provision of knowledge coupled with assets given to our young people will shape the best tomorrow!
Message us to find out how you can further help achieve this.
Our Passion Projects
Passion Projects of the Month
What is a Passion Project? These are projects we believe will make a significant impact on at-risk families in Caribbean societies! Below is our Passion Project of the Month:
Household Independent generation of FOOD | WATER | ENERGY at 1000 vulnerable homes in Barbados! 360SL helps to Reduce the cost of living while battling Climate Change.
Help us raise $15,000 USD to pilot this Passion Project. Your contribution can be made by clicking the donate button below!
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